Source code for ants.segmentation.joint_label_fusion

Joint Label Fusion algorithm

__all__ = ["joint_label_fusion", "local_joint_label_fusion"]

import os
import numpy as np
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from tempfile import mktemp
import glob
import re
import math

from .. import utils
from ..core import ants_image as iio
from ..core import ants_image_io as iio2
from .. import registration

[docs]def joint_label_fusion( target_image, target_image_mask, atlas_list, beta=4, rad=2, label_list=None, rho=0.01, usecor=False, r_search=3, nonnegative=False, no_zeroes=False, max_lab_plus_one=False, output_prefix=None, verbose=False, ): """ A multiple atlas voting scheme to customize labels for a new subject. This function will also perform intensity fusion. It almost directly calls the C++ in the ANTs executable so is much faster than other variants in ANTsR. One may want to normalize image intensities for each input image before passing to this function. If no labels are passed, we do intensity fusion. Note on computation time: the underlying C++ is multithreaded. You can control the number of threads by setting the environment variable ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS e.g. to use all or some of your CPUs. This will improve performance substantially. For instance, on a macbook pro from 2015, 8 cores improves speed by about 4x. ANTsR function: `jointLabelFusion` Arguments --------- target_image : ANTsImage image to be approximated target_image_mask : ANTsImage mask with value 1 atlas_list : list of ANTsImage types list containing intensity images beta : scalar weight sharpness, default to 2 rad : scalar neighborhood radius, default to 2 label_list : list of ANTsImage types (optional) list containing images with segmentation labels rho : scalar ridge penalty increases robustness to outliers but also makes image converge to average usecor : boolean employ correlation as local similarity r_search : scalar radius of search, default is 3 nonnegative : boolean constrain weights to be non-negative no_zeroes : boolean this will constrain the solution only to voxels that are always non-zero in the label list max_lab_plus_one : boolean this will add max label plus one to the non-zero parts of each label where the target mask is greater than one. NOTE: this will have a side effect of adding to the original label images that are passed to the program. It also guarantees that every position in the labels have some label, rather than none. Ie it guarantees to explicitly parcellate the input data. output_prefix: string file prefix for storing output probabilityimages to disk verbose : boolean whether to show status updates Returns ------- dictionary w/ following key/value pairs: `segmentation` : ANTsImage segmentation image `intensity` : ANTsImage intensity image `probabilityimages` : list of ANTsImage types probability map image for each label `segmentation_numbers` : list of numbers segmentation label (number, int) for each probability map Example ------- >>> import ants >>> ref = ants.image_read( ants.get_ants_data('r16')) >>> ref = ants.resample_image(ref, (50,50),1,0) >>> ref = ants.iMath(ref,'Normalize') >>> mi = ants.image_read( ants.get_ants_data('r27')) >>> mi2 = ants.image_read( ants.get_ants_data('r30')) >>> mi3 = ants.image_read( ants.get_ants_data('r62')) >>> mi4 = ants.image_read( ants.get_ants_data('r64')) >>> mi5 = ants.image_read( ants.get_ants_data('r85')) >>> refmask = ants.get_mask(ref) >>> refmask = ants.iMath(refmask,'ME',2) # just to speed things up >>> ilist = [mi,mi2,mi3,mi4,mi5] >>> seglist = [None]*len(ilist) >>> for i in range(len(ilist)): >>> ilist[i] = ants.iMath(ilist[i],'Normalize') >>> mytx = ants.registration(fixed=ref , moving=ilist[i] , >>> typeofTransform = ('Affine') ) >>> mywarpedimage = ants.apply_transforms(fixed=ref,moving=ilist[i], >>> transformlist=mytx['fwdtransforms']) >>> ilist[i] = mywarpedimage >>> seg = ants.threshold_image(ilist[i],'Otsu', 3) >>> seglist[i] = ( seg ) + ants.threshold_image( seg, 1, 3 ).morphology( operation='dilate', radius=3 ) >>> r = 2 >>> pp = ants.joint_label_fusion(ref, refmask, ilist, r_search=2, >>> label_list=seglist, rad=[r]*ref.dimension ) >>> pp = ants.joint_label_fusion(ref,refmask,ilist, r_search=2, rad=[r]*ref.dimension) """ segpixtype = "unsigned int" if (label_list is None) or (np.any([l is None for l in label_list])): doJif = True else: doJif = False if not doJif: if len(label_list) != len(atlas_list): raise ValueError("len(label_list) != len(atlas_list)") if no_zeroes: for label in label_list: target_image_mask[label == 0] = 0 inlabs = set() for label in label_list: values = np.unique(label[target_image_mask != 0 and label != 0]) inlabs = inlabs.union(values) inlabs = sorted(inlabs) maxLab = max(inlabs) if max_lab_plus_one: for label in label_list: label[label == 0] = maxLab + 1 mymask = target_image_mask.clone() else: mymask = target_image_mask ###### security issues with mktemp but could not figure out the right solution ###### NamedTemporaryFile creates a file with permissions: ###### -rw------- 1 stnava staff ###### whereas mktemp gives ###### -rw-r--r-- 1 stnava staff ###### the latter is what we want - one solution is to use chmod via os but ###### am currently too lazy to change one line of code to two or more everywhere # osegfn = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="antsr", suffix="myseg.nii.gz",delete=False).name osegfn = mktemp(prefix="antsr", suffix="myseg.nii.gz") # segdir = osegfn.replace(os.path.basename(osegfn),'') if os.path.exists(osegfn): os.remove(osegfn) if output_prefix is None: # probs = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="antsr", suffix="prob%02d.nii.gz",delete=False).name probs = mktemp(prefix="antsr", suffix="prob%02d.nii.gz") probsbase = os.path.basename(probs) tdir = probs.replace(probsbase, "") searchpattern = probsbase.replace("%02d", "*") if output_prefix is not None: probs = output_prefix + "prob%02d.nii.gz" probpath = Path(probs).parent Path(probpath).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) probsbase = os.path.basename(probs) tdir = probs.replace(probsbase, "") searchpattern = probsbase.replace("%02d", "*") mydim = target_image_mask.dimension if not doJif: # not sure if these should be allocated or what their size should be outimg = label_list[1].clone(segpixtype) outimgi = target_image * 0 outimg_ptr = utils.get_pointer_string(outimg) outimgi_ptr = utils.get_pointer_string(outimgi) outs = "[%s,%s,%s]" % (outimg_ptr, outimgi_ptr, probs) else: outimgi = target_image * 0 outs = utils.get_pointer_string(outimgi) mymask = mymask.clone(segpixtype) if (not isinstance(rad, (tuple, list))) or (len(rad) == 1): myrad = [rad] * mydim else: myrad = rad if len(myrad) != mydim: raise ValueError("path radius dimensionality must equal image dimensionality") myrad = "x".join([str(mr) for mr in myrad]) vnum = 1 if verbose else 0 nnum = 1 if nonnegative else 0 mypc = "MSQ" if usecor: mypc = "PC" myargs = { "d": mydim, "t": target_image, "a": rho, "b": beta, "c": nnum, "p": myrad, "m": mypc, "s": r_search, "x": mymask, "o": outs, "v": vnum, } kct = len(myargs.keys()) for k in range(len(atlas_list)): kct += 1 myargs["g-MULTINAME-%i" % kct] = atlas_list[k] if not doJif: kct += 1 castseg = label_list[k].clone(segpixtype) myargs["l-MULTINAME-%i" % kct] = castseg myprocessedargs = utils._int_antsProcessArguments(myargs) libfn = utils.get_lib_fn("antsJointFusion") rval = libfn(myprocessedargs) if rval != 0: print("Warning: Non-zero return from antsJointFusion") if doJif: return outimgi probsout = glob.glob(os.path.join(tdir, "*" + searchpattern)) probsout.sort() probimgs = [] # print( os.system("ls -l "+probsout[0]) ) for idx in range(len(probsout)): probimgs.append(iio2.image_read(probsout[idx])) # if len(probsout) != (len(inlabs)) and max_lab_plus_one == False: # warnings.warn("Length of output probabilities != length of unique input labels") segmentation_numbers = [0] * len(probsout) for i in range(len(probsout)): temp = str.split(probsout[i], "prob") segnum = temp[len(temp) - 1].split(".nii.gz")[0] segmentation_numbers[i] = int(segnum) if max_lab_plus_one == False: segmat = iio2.images_to_matrix(probimgs, target_image_mask) finalsegvec = segmat.argmax(axis=0) finalsegvec2 = finalsegvec.copy() # mapfinalsegvec to original labels for i in range(len(probsout)): temp = str.split(probsout[i], "prob") segnum = temp[len(temp) - 1].split(".nii.gz")[0] finalsegvec2[finalsegvec == i] = segnum outimg = iio2.make_image(target_image_mask, finalsegvec2) return { "segmentation": outimg, "intensity": outimgi, "probabilityimages": probimgs, "segmentation_numbers": segmentation_numbers, } if max_lab_plus_one == True: mymaxlab = max(segmentation_numbers) matchings_indices = [ i for i, segmentation_numbers in enumerate(segmentation_numbers) if segmentation_numbers == mymaxlab ] background_prob = probimgs[matchings_indices[0]] background_probfn = probsout[matchings_indices[0]] del probimgs[matchings_indices[0]] del probsout[matchings_indices[0]] del segmentation_numbers[matchings_indices[0]] segmat = iio2.images_to_matrix(probimgs, target_image_mask) finalsegvec = segmat.argmax(axis=0) finalsegvec2 = finalsegvec.copy() # mapfinalsegvec to original labels for i in range(len(probsout)): temp = str.split(probsout[i], "prob") segnum = temp[len(temp) - 1].split(".nii.gz")[0] finalsegvec2[finalsegvec == i] = segnum outimg = iio2.make_image(target_image_mask, finalsegvec2) # next decide what is "background" based on the sum of the first k labels vs the prob of the last one firstK = probimgs[0] * 0 for i in range(len(probsout)): firstK = firstK + probimgs[i] segmat = iio2.images_to_matrix([background_prob, firstK], target_image_mask) bkgsegvec = segmat.argmax(axis=0) outimg = outimg * iio2.make_image(target_image_mask, bkgsegvec) return { "segmentation": outimg * iio2.make_image(target_image_mask, bkgsegvec), "segmentation_raw": outimg, "intensity": outimgi, "probabilityimages": probimgs, "segmentation_numbers": segmentation_numbers, "background_prob": background_prob, }
[docs]def local_joint_label_fusion( target_image, which_labels, target_mask, initial_label, atlas_list, label_list, submask_dilation=10, type_of_transform="SyN", aff_metric="meansquares", syn_metric="mattes", syn_sampling=32, reg_iterations=(40, 20, 0), aff_iterations=(500, 50, 0), grad_step=0.2, flow_sigma=3, total_sigma=0, beta=4, rad=2, rho=0.1, usecor=False, r_search=3, nonnegative=False, no_zeroes=False, max_lab_plus_one=False, local_mask_transform="Similarity", output_prefix=None, verbose=False, ): """ A local version of joint label fusion that focuses on a subset of labels. This is primarily different from standard JLF because it performs registration on the label subset and focuses JLF on those labels alone. ANTsR function: `localJointLabelFusion` Arguments --------- target_image : ANTsImage image to be labeled which_labels : numeric vector label number(s) that exist(s) in both the template and library target_image_mask : ANTsImage a mask for the target image (optional), passed to joint fusion initial_label : ANTsImage initial label set, may be same labels as library or binary. typically labels would be produced by a single deformable registration or by manual labeling. atlas_list : list of ANTsImage types list containing intensity images label_list : list of ANTsImage types (optional) list containing images with segmentation labels submask_dilation : integer amount to dilate initial mask to define region on which we perform focused registration type_of_transform : string A linear or non-linear registration type. Mutual information metric by default. See Notes below for more. aff_metric : string the metric for the affine part (GC, mattes, meansquares) syn_metric : string the metric for the syn part (CC, mattes, meansquares, demons) syn_sampling : scalar the nbins or radius parameter for the syn metric reg_iterations : list/tuple of integers vector of iterations for syn. we will set the smoothing and multi-resolution parameters based on the length of this vector. aff_iterations : list/tuple of integers vector of iterations for low-dimensional registration. grad_step : scalar gradient step size (not for all tx) flow_sigma : scalar smoothing for update field total_sigma : scalar smoothing for total field beta : scalar weight sharpness, default to 2 rad : scalar neighborhood radius, default to 2 rho : scalar ridge penalty increases robustness to outliers but also makes image converge to average usecor : boolean employ correlation as local similarity r_search : scalar radius of search, default is 3 nonnegative : boolean constrain weights to be non-negative no_zeroes : boolean this will constrain the solution only to voxels that are always non-zero in the label list max_lab_plus_one : boolean this will add max label plus one to the non-zero parts of each label where the target mask is greater than one. NOTE: this will have a side effect of adding to the original label images that are passed to the program. It also guarantees that every position in the labels have some label, rather than none. Ie it guarantees to explicitly parcellate the input data. local_mask_transform: string the type of transform for the local mask alignment - usually translation, rigid, similarity or affine. output_prefix: string file prefix for storing output probabilityimages to disk verbose : boolean whether to show status updates Returns ------- dictionary w/ following key/value pairs: `segmentation` : ANTsImage segmentation image `intensity` : ANTsImage intensity image `probabilityimages` : list of ANTsImage types probability map image for each label """ myregion = utils.mask_image(initial_label, initial_label, which_labels) if myregion.max() == 0: myregion = utils.threshold_image(initial_label, 1, math.inf) myregionb = utils.threshold_image(myregion, 1, math.inf) myregionAroundRegion = utils.iMath(myregionb, "MD", submask_dilation) if target_mask is not None: myregionAroundRegion = myregionAroundRegion * target_mask croppedImage = utils.crop_image(target_image, myregionAroundRegion) croppedMask = utils.crop_image(myregionAroundRegion, myregionAroundRegion) mycroppedregion = utils.crop_image(myregion, myregionAroundRegion) croppedmappedImages = [] croppedmappedSegs = [] if verbose is True: print("Begin registrations:") for k in range(len(atlas_list)): if verbose is True: print(str(k) + "...") if verbose is True: print( "local-seg-tx: " + local_mask_transform ) libregion = utils.mask_image(label_list[k], label_list[k], which_labels) initMap = registration.registration( mycroppedregion, libregion, type_of_transform=local_mask_transform, aff_metric=aff_metric, aff_iterations=aff_iterations, verbose=False )["fwdtransforms"] if verbose is True: print( "local-img-tx: " + type_of_transform ) localReg = registration.registration( croppedImage, atlas_list[k], reg_iterations=reg_iterations, flow_sigma=flow_sigma, total_sigma=total_sigma, grad_step=grad_step, type_of_transform=type_of_transform, syn_metric=syn_metric, syn_sampling=syn_sampling, initial_transform=initMap[0], verbose=False, ) transformedImage = registration.apply_transforms( croppedImage, atlas_list[k], localReg["fwdtransforms"] ) transformedLabels = registration.apply_transforms( croppedImage, label_list[k], localReg["fwdtransforms"], interpolator="nearestNeighbor", ) croppedmappedImages.append(transformedImage) croppedmappedSegs.append(transformedLabels) ljlf = joint_label_fusion( croppedImage, croppedMask, atlas_list=croppedmappedImages, label_list=croppedmappedSegs, beta=beta, rad=rad, rho=rho, usecor=usecor, r_search=r_search, nonnegative=nonnegative, no_zeroes=no_zeroes, max_lab_plus_one=max_lab_plus_one, output_prefix=output_prefix, verbose=verbose, ) return { "ljlf": ljlf, "croppedImage": croppedImage, "croppedmappedImages": croppedmappedImages, "croppedmappedSegs": croppedmappedSegs, }