Source code for ants.segmentation.atropos

Atropos segmentation

__all__ = ['atropos']

import os
import glob
import warnings
from tempfile import mktemp

from ..core import ants_image_io as iio2
from .. import utils

[docs]def atropos(a, x, i='Kmeans[3]', m='[0.2,1x1]', c='[5,0]', priorweight=0.25, **kwargs): """ A finite mixture modeling (FMM) segmentation approach with possibilities for specifying prior constraints. These prior constraints include the specification of a prior label image, prior probability images (one for each class), and/or an MRF prior to enforce spatial smoothing of the labels. Similar algorithms include FAST and SPM. atropos can also perform multivariate segmentation if you pass a list of images in: e.g. a=(img1,img2). ANTsR function: `atropos` Arguments --------- a : ANTsImage or list/tuple of ANTsImage types One or more scalar images to segment. If priors are not used, the intensities of the first image are used to order the classes in the segmentation output, from lowest to highest intensity. Otherwise the order of the classes is dictated by the order of the prior images. x : ANTsImage mask image. i : string initialization usually KMeans[N] for N classes or a list of N prior probability images. See Atropos in ANTs for full set of options. m : string mrf parameters as a string, usually "[smoothingFactor,radius]" where smoothingFactor determines the amount of smoothing and radius determines the MRF neighborhood, as an ANTs style neighborhood vector eg "1x1x1" for a 3D image. The radius must match the dimensionality of the image, eg 1x1 for 2D and The default in ANTs is smoothingFactor=0.3 and radius=1. See Atropos for more options. c : string convergence parameters, "[numberOfIterations,convergenceThreshold]". A threshold of 0 runs the full numberOfIterations, otherwise Atropos tests convergence by comparing the mean maximum posterior probability over the whole region of interest defined by the mask x. priorweight : scalar usually 0 (priors used for initialization only), 0.25 or 0.5. kwargs : keyword arguments more parameters, see Atropos help in ANTs Returns ------- dictionary with the following key/value pairs: `segmentation`: ANTsImage actually segmented image `probabilityimages` : list of ANTsImage types one image for each segmentation class Example ------- >>> import ants >>> img = ants.image_read(ants.get_ants_data('r16')) >>> img = ants.resample_image(img, (64,64), 1, 0) >>> mask = ants.get_mask(img) >>> ants.atropos( a = img, m = '[0.2,1x1]', c = '[2,0]', i = 'kmeans[3]', x = mask ) >>> seg2 = ants.atropos( a = img, m = '[0.2,1x1]', c = '[2,0]', i = seg['probabilityimages'], x = mask, priorweight=0.25 ) """ probs = mktemp(prefix='antsr', suffix='prob%02d.nii.gz') tdir = probs.replace(os.path.basename(probs),'') probsbase = os.path.basename(probs) searchpattern = probsbase.replace('%02d', '*') ct = 0 if isinstance(i, (list,tuple)) and (len(i) > 1): while ct < len(i): probchar = str(ct+1) if ct < 9: probchar = '0%s' % probchar tempfn = probs.replace('%02d', probchar) iio2.image_write(i[ct], tempfn) ct += 1 i = 'PriorProbabilityImages[%s,%s,%s]' % (str(len(i)), probs, str(priorweight)) if isinstance(a, (list,tuple)): outimg = a[0].clone('unsigned int') else: outimg = a.clone('unsigned int') mydim = outimg.dimension outs = '[%s,%s]' % (utils._ptrstr(outimg.pointer), probs) mymask = x.clone('unsigned int') if (not isinstance(a, (list,tuple))) or (len(a) == 1): myargs = { 'd': mydim, 'a': a, 'm-MULTINAME-0': m, 'o': outs, 'c': c, 'm-MULTINAME-1': m, 'i': i, 'x': mymask } for k, v in kwargs.items(): myargs[k] = v elif isinstance(a, (list, tuple)): if len(a) > 6: print('more than 6 input images not really supported, using first 6') a = a[:6] myargs = { 'd': mydim, 'm-MULTINAME-0': m, 'o': outs, 'c': c, 'm-MULTINAME-1': m, 'i': i, 'x': mymask } for aa_idx, aa in enumerate(a): myargs['a-MULTINAME-%i'%aa_idx] = aa processed_args = utils._int_antsProcessArguments(myargs) libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('Atropos') retval = libfn(processed_args) if retval != 0: raise Exception(f"Atropos exited with non-zero status {retval}. Run with verbose=1 to see error messages") probsout = glob.glob(os.path.join(tdir,'*'+searchpattern)) if probsout is None or len(probsout) == 0: raise Exception('No Atropos output probability images found. Run with verbose=1 to see error messages') probsout.sort() probimgs = [iio2.image_read(probsout[0])] for idx in range(1, len(probsout)): probimgs.append(iio2.image_read(probsout[idx])) outimg = outimg.clone('float') return {'segmentation': outimg, 'probabilityimages': probimgs}