Source code for ants.viz.create_tiled_mosaic

__all__ = ['create_tiled_mosaic']

import os
from tempfile import mktemp

from PIL import Image

from .. import utils
from ..core import ants_image_io as iio2

[docs]def create_tiled_mosaic(image, rgb=None, mask=None, overlay=None, output=None, alpha=1., direction=0, pad_or_crop=None, slices=None, flip_slice=None, permute_axes=False): """ Create a tiled mosaic of 2D slice images from a 3D ANTsImage. ANTsR function : N/A ANTs function : `createTiledMosaic` Arguments --------- image : ANTsImage base image to visualize rgb : ANTsImage optional overlay image to display on top of base image mask : ANTsImage optional mask image alpha : float alpha value for rgb/overlay image direction : integer or string which axis to visualize options: 0, 1, 2, 'x', 'y', 'z' pad_or_crop : list of 2-tuples padding or cropping values for each dimension and each side. - to crop the X dimension, use the following: pad_or_crop = [(10,10), 0, 0] - to pad the X dimension, use the following: pad_or_crop = [(-10,-10), 0, 0] slices : list/numpy.ndarray or integer or 3-tuple if list or numpy.ndarray: slices to use if integer: number of slices to incremenet if 3-tuple: (# slices to increment, min slice, max slice) flip_slice : 2-tuple of boolean (whether to flip X direction, whether to flip Y direction) permute_axes : boolean whether to permute axes output : string output filename where mosaic image will be saved. If not given, this function will save to a temp file, then return the image as a PIL.Image object ANTs ---- -i, --input-image inputImageFilename -r, --rgb-image rgbImageFilename -x, --mask-image maskImageFilename -a, --alpha value -e, --functional-overlay [rgbImageFileName,maskImageFileName,<alpha=1>] -o, --output tiledMosaicImage -t, --tile-geometry RxC -d, --direction 0/1/2/x/y/(z) -p, --pad-or-crop padVoxelWidth [padVoxelWidth,<constantValue=0>] [lowerPadding[0]xlowerPadding[1],upperPadding[0]xupperPadding[1],constantValue] -s, --slices Slice1xSlice2xSlice3... numberOfSlicesToIncrement [numberOfSlicesToIncrement,<minSlice=0>,<maxSlice=lastSlice>] -f, --flip-slice flipXxflipY -g, --permute-axes doPermute -h CreateTiledMosaic -i OAS1_0457_MR1_mpr_n3_anon_sbj_111BrainSegmentation0N4 . nii . gz \ -r OAS1_0457_MR1_mpr_n3_anon_sbj_111CorticalThickness_hot . nii . gz \ -x OAS1_0457_MR1_mpr_n3_anon_sbj_111CorticalThickness_mask . nii . gz \ -o OAS1_0457_MR1_mpr_n3_anon_sbj_111_tiledMosaic . png \ -a 1.0 -t -1 x8 -d 2 -p [ -15x -50 , -15x -30 ,0] -s [2 ,100 ,160] Example ------- >>> import ants >>> image = ants.image_read(ants.get_ants_data('ch2')) >>> plt = ants.create_tiled_mosaic(image) """ # image needs to be unsigned char if image.pixeltype != 'unsigned char': # transform between 0 and 255. image = (image - image.max()) / (image.max() - image.min()) image = image * 255. image = image.clone('unsigned char') output_is_temp = False if output is None: output_is_temp = True output = mktemp(suffix='.jpg') if rgb is None: rgb = image.clone() imagepath = mktemp(suffix='.nii.gz') iio2.image_write(image, imagepath) rgbpath = mktemp(suffix='.nii.gz') iio2.image_write(rgb, rgbpath) args = { 'i': imagepath, 'r': rgbpath, 'o': output, 'x': mask, 'e': overlay, 'a': alpha, 'd': direction } processed_args = utils._int_antsProcessArguments(args) libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('CreateTiledMosaic') libfn(processed_args) outimage = if output_is_temp: os.remove(output) return outimage