Source code for ants.utils.morphology

__all__ = ['morphology']

from .iMath import iMath

[docs]def morphology(image, operation, radius, mtype='binary', value=1, shape='ball', radius_is_parametric=False, thickness=1, lines=3, include_center=False): """ Apply morphological operations to an image ANTsR function: `morphology` Arguments --------- input : ANTsImage input image operation : string operation to apply "close" Morpholgical closing "dilate" Morpholgical dilation "erode" Morpholgical erosion "open" Morpholgical opening radius : scalar radius of structuring element mtype : string type of morphology "binary" Binary operation on a single value "grayscale" Grayscale operations value : scalar value to operation on (type='binary' only) shape : string shape of the structuring element ( type='binary' only ) "ball" spherical structuring element "box" box shaped structuring element "cross" cross shaped structuring element "annulus" annulus shaped structuring element "polygon" polygon structuring element radius_is_parametric : boolean used parametric radius boolean (shape='ball' and shape='annulus' only) thickness : scalar thickness (shape='annulus' only) lines : integer number of lines in polygon (shape='polygon' only) include_center : boolean include center of annulus boolean (shape='annulus' only) Returns ------- ANTsImage Example ------- >>> import ants >>> fi = ants.image_read( ants.get_ants_data('r16') , 2 ) >>> mask = ants.get_mask( fi ) >>> dilated_ball = ants.morphology( mask, operation='dilate', radius=3, mtype='binary', shape='ball') >>> eroded_box = ants.morphology( mask, operation='erode', radius=3, mtype='binary', shape='box') >>> opened_annulus = ants.morphology( mask, operation='open', radius=5, mtype='binary', shape='annulus', thickness=2) """ if image.components > 1: raise ValueError('multichannel images not yet supported') _sflag_dict = {'ball': 1, 'box': 2, 'cross': 3, 'annulus': 4, 'polygon': 5} sFlag = _sflag_dict.get(shape, 0) if sFlag == 0: raise ValueError('invalid element shape') radius_is_parametric = radius_is_parametric * 1 include_center = include_center * 1 if (mtype == 'binary'): if (operation == 'dilate'): if (sFlag == 5): ret = iMath(image, 'MD', radius, value, sFlag, lines) else: ret = iMath(image, 'MD', radius, value, sFlag, radius_is_parametric, thickness, include_center) elif (operation == 'erode'): if (sFlag == 5): ret = iMath(image, 'ME', radius, value, sFlag, lines) else: ret = iMath(image, 'ME', radius, value, sFlag, radius_is_parametric, thickness, include_center) elif (operation == 'open'): if (sFlag == 5): ret = iMath(image, 'MO', radius, value, sFlag, lines) else: ret = iMath(image, 'MO', radius, value, sFlag, radius_is_parametric, thickness, include_center) elif (operation == 'close'): if (sFlag == 5): ret = iMath(image, 'MC', radius, value, sFlag, lines) else: ret = iMath(image, 'MC', radius, value, sFlag, radius_is_parametric, thickness, include_center) else: raise ValueError('Invalid morphology operation') elif (mtype == 'grayscale'): if (operation == 'dilate'): ret = iMath(image, 'GD', radius) elif (operation == 'erode'): ret = iMath(image, 'GE', radius) elif (operation == 'open'): ret = iMath(image, 'GO', radius) elif (operation == 'close'): ret = iMath(image, 'GC', radius) else: raise ValueError('Invalid morphology operation') else: raise ValueError('Invalid morphology type') return ret