Source code for ants.utils.impute

__all__ = ['impute']

import numpy as np

    from fancyimpute import BiScaler, KNN, NuclearNormMinimization, SoftImpute, IterativeSVD
    has_fancyimpute = True
    has_fancyimpute = False

[docs]def impute(data, method='mean', value=None, nan_value=np.nan): """ Impute missing values on a numpy ndarray in a column-wise manner. ANTsR function: `antsrimpute` Arguments --------- data : numpy.ndarray data to impute method : string or float type of imputation method to use Options: mean median constant KNN BiScaler NuclearNormMinimization SoftImpute IterativeSVD value : scalar (optional) optional arguments for different methods if method == 'constant' constant value if method == 'KNN' number of nearest neighbors to use nan_value : scalar value which is interpreted as a missing value Returns ------- ndarray if ndarray was given OR pd.DataFrame if pd.DataFrame was given Example ------- >>> import ants >>> import numpy as np >>> data = np.random.randn(4,10) >>> data[2,3] = np.nan >>> data[3,5] = np.nan >>> data_imputed = ants.impute(data, 'mean') Details ------- KNN: Nearest neighbor imputations which weights samples using the mean squared difference on features for which two rows both have observed data. SoftImpute: Matrix completion by iterative soft thresholding of SVD decompositions. Inspired by the softImpute package for R, which is based on Spectral Regularization Algorithms for Learning Large Incomplete Matrices by Mazumder et. al. IterativeSVD: Matrix completion by iterative low-rank SVD decomposition. Should be similar to SVDimpute from Missing value estimation methods for DNA microarrays by Troyanskaya et. al. MICE: Reimplementation of Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations. MatrixFactorization: Direct factorization of the incomplete matrix into low-rank U and V, with an L1 sparsity penalty on the elements of U and an L2 penalty on the elements of V. Solved by gradient descent. NuclearNormMinimization: Simple implementation of Exact Matrix Completion via Convex Optimization by Emmanuel Candes and Benjamin Recht using cvxpy. Too slow for large matrices. BiScaler: Iterative estimation of row/column means and standard deviations to get doubly normalized matrix. Not guaranteed to converge but works well in practice. Taken from Matrix Completion and Low-Rank SVD via Fast Alternating Least Squares. """ _fancyimpute_options = {'KNN', 'BiScaler', 'NuclearNormMinimization', 'SoftImpute', 'IterativeSVD'} if (not has_fancyimpute) and (method in _fancyimpute_options): raise ValueError('You must install `fancyimpute` (pip install fancyimpute) to use this method') _base_options = {'mean', 'median', 'constant'} if (method not in _base_options) and (method not in _fancyimpute_options) and (not isinstance(method, (int,float))): raise ValueError('method not understood.. Use `mean`, `median`, a scalar, or an option from `fancyimpute`') X_incomplete = data.copy() if method == 'KNN': if value is None: value = 3 X_filled = KNN(k=value, verbose=False).complete(X_incomplete) elif method == 'BiScaler': X_filled = BiScaler(verbose=False).fit_transform(X_incomplete) elif method == 'SoftImpute': X_filled = SoftImpute(verbose=False).complete(X_incomplete) elif method == 'IterativeSVD': if value is None: rank = min(10, X_incomplete.shape[0]-2) else: rank = value X_filled = IterativeSVD(rank=rank, verbose=False).complete(X_incomplete) elif method == 'mean': col_means = np.nanmean(X_incomplete, axis=0) for i in range(X_incomplete.shape[1]): X_incomplete[:,i][np.isnan(X_incomplete[:,i])] = col_means[i] X_filled = X_incomplete elif method == 'median': col_means = np.nanmean(X_incomplete, axis=0) for i in range(X_incomplete.shape[1]): X_incomplete[:,i][np.isnan(X_incomplete[:,i])] = col_means[i] X_filled = X_incomplete elif method == 'constant': if value is None: raise ValueError('Must give `value` argument if method == constant') X_incomplete[np.isnan(X_incomplete)] = value X_filled = X_incomplete return X_filled