Source code for ants.utils.iMath

__all__ = ['iMath',

from .process_args import _int_antsProcessArguments
from .. import utils

_iMathOps = {'FillHoles',

[docs]def multiply_images(image1, image2): return image1 * image2
[docs]def iMath(image, operation, *args): """ Perform various (often mathematical) operations on the input image/s. Additional parameters should be specific for each operation. See the the full iMath in ANTs, on which this function is based. ANTsR function: `iMath` Arguments --------- image : ANTsImage input object, usually antsImage operation a string e.g. "GetLargestComponent" ... the special case of "GetOperations" or "GetOperationsFull" will return a list of operations and brief description. Some operations may not be valid (WIP), but most are. *args : non-keyword arguments additional parameters specific to the operation Example ------- >>> import ants >>> img = ants.image_read(ants.get_ants_data('r16')) >>> img2 = ants.iMath(img, 'Canny', 1, 5, 12) """ if operation not in _iMathOps: raise ValueError('Operation not recognized') imagedim = image.dimension outimage = image.clone() args = [imagedim, outimage, operation, image] + [a for a in args] processed_args = _int_antsProcessArguments(args) libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('iMath') libfn(processed_args) return outimage
image_math = iMath def iMath_ops(): return _iMathOps
[docs]def iMath_canny(image, sigma, lower, upper): return iMath(image, 'Canny', sigma, lower, upper)
def iMath_distance_map(image, use_spacing=True): return iMath(image, 'DistanceMap', use_spacing)
[docs]def iMath_fill_holes(image, hole_type=2): return iMath(image, 'FillHoles', hole_type)
[docs]def iMath_GC(image, radius=1): return iMath(image, 'GC', radius)
[docs]def iMath_GD(image, radius=1): return iMath(image, 'GD', radius)
[docs]def iMath_GE(image, radius=1): return iMath(image, 'GE', radius)
[docs]def iMath_GO(image, radius=1): return iMath(image, 'GO', radius)
[docs]def iMath_get_largest_component(image, min_size=50): return iMath(image, 'GetLargestComponent', min_size)
[docs]def iMath_grad(image, sigma=0.5, normalize=False): return iMath(image, 'Grad', sigma, normalize)
[docs]def iMath_histogram_equalization(image, alpha, beta): return iMath(image, 'HistogramEqualization', alpha, beta)
[docs]def iMath_laplacian(image, sigma=0.5, normalize=False): return iMath(image, 'Laplacian', sigma, normalize)
[docs]def iMath_MC(image, radius=1, value=1, shape=1, parametric=False, lines=3, thickness=1, include_center=False): return iMath(image, 'MC', radius, value, shape, parametric, lines, thickness, include_center)
[docs]def iMath_MD(image, radius=1, value=1, shape=1, parametric=False, lines=3, thickness=1, include_center=False): return iMath(image, 'MD', radius, value, shape, parametric, lines, thickness, include_center)
[docs]def iMath_ME(image, radius=1, value=1, shape=1, parametric=False, lines=3, thickness=1, include_center=False): return iMath(image, 'ME', radius, value, shape, parametric, lines, thickness, include_center)
[docs]def iMath_MO(image, radius=1, value=1, shape=1, parametric=False, lines=3, thickness=1, include_center=False): return iMath(image, 'MO', radius, value, shape, parametric, lines, thickness, include_center)
[docs]def iMath_maurer_distance(image, foreground=1): return iMath(image, 'MaurerDistance', foreground)
[docs]def iMath_normalize(image): return iMath(image, 'Normalize')
[docs]def iMath_pad(image, padding): return iMath(image, 'Pad', padding)
[docs]def iMath_perona_malik(image, conductance=0.25, n_iterations=1): return iMath(image, 'PeronaMalik', conductance, n_iterations)
[docs]def iMath_sharpen(image): return iMath(image, 'Sharpen')
[docs]def iMath_propagate_labels_through_mask(image, labels, stopping_value=100, propagation_method=0): """ >>> import ants >>> wms = ants.image_read('~/desktop/wms.nii.gz') >>> thal = ants.image_read('~/desktop/thal.nii.gz') >>> img2 = ants.iMath_propagate_labels_through_mask(wms, thal, 500, 0) """ return iMath(image, 'PropagateLabelsThroughMask', labels, stopping_value, propagation_method)
[docs]def iMath_truncate_intensity(image, lower_q, upper_q, n_bins=64): """ >>> import ants >>> img = ants.image_read(ants.get_ants_data('r16')) >>> ants.iMath_truncate_intensity( img, 0.2, 0.8 ) """ return iMath(image, 'TruncateIntensity', lower_q, upper_q, n_bins )