Source code for ants.utils.get_mask

__all__ = ['get_mask']

from ..core import ants_image as iio
from .threshold_image import threshold_image
from .label_clusters import label_clusters
from .iMath import iMath
from .. import utils

[docs]def get_mask(image, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None, cleanup=2): """ Get a binary mask image from the given image after thresholding ANTsR function: `getMask` Arguments --------- image : ANTsImage image from which mask will be computed. Can be an antsImage of 2, 3 or 4 dimensions. low_thresh : scalar (optional) An inclusive lower threshold for voxels to be included in the mask. If not given, defaults to image mean. high_thresh : scalar (optional) An inclusive upper threshold for voxels to be included in the mask. If not given, defaults to image max cleanup : integer If > 0, morphological operations will be applied to clean up the mask by eroding away small or weakly-connected areas, and closing holes. If cleanup is >0, the following steps are applied 1. Erosion with radius 2 voxels 2. Retain largest component 3. Dilation with radius 1 voxel 4. Morphological closing Returns ------- ANTsImage Example ------- >>> import ants >>> image = ants.image_read( ants.get_ants_data('r16') ) >>> mask = ants.get_mask(image) """ cleanup = int(cleanup) if isinstance(image, iio.ANTsImage): if image.pixeltype != 'float': image = image.clone('float') if low_thresh is None: low_thresh = image.mean() if high_thresh is None: high_thresh = image.max() mask_image = threshold_image(image, low_thresh, high_thresh) if cleanup > 0: mask_image = iMath(mask_image, 'ME', cleanup) mask_image = iMath(mask_image, 'GetLargestComponent') mask_image = iMath(mask_image, 'MD', cleanup) mask_image = iMath(mask_image, 'FillHoles').threshold_image( 1, 2 ) while ((mask_image.min() == mask_image.max()) and (cleanup > 0)): cleanup = cleanup - 1 mask_image = threshold_image(image, low_thresh, high_thresh) if cleanup > 0: mask_image = iMath(mask_image, 'ME', cleanup) mask_image = iMath(mask_image, 'MD', cleanup) mask_image = iMath(mask_image, 'FillHoles').threshold_image( 1, 2 ) #if cleanup == 0: # clustlab = label_clusters(mask_image, 1) # mask_image = threshold_image(clustlab, 1, 1) return mask_image