Source code for ants.utils.fit_bspline_displacement_field

__all__ = ["fit_bspline_displacement_field"]

import numpy as np

from ..core import ants_image as iio
from .. import core
from .. import utils

[docs]def fit_bspline_displacement_field(displacement_field=None, displacement_weight_image=None, displacement_origins=None, displacements=None, displacement_weights=None, origin=None, spacing=None, size=None, direction=None, number_of_fitting_levels=4, mesh_size=1, spline_order=3, enforce_stationary_boundary=True, estimate_inverse=False, rasterize_points=False): """ Fit a b-spline object to a dense displacement field image and/or a set of points with associated displacements and smooths them using B-splines. The inverse can also be estimated.. This is basically a wrapper for the ITK filter} which, in turn is a wrapper for the ITK filter used for the function fit_bspline_object_to_scattered_data. ANTsR function: `fitBsplineToDisplacementField` Arguments --------- displacement_field : ANTs image Input displacement field. Either this and/or the points must be specified. displacement_weight_image : ANTs image Input image defining weighting of the voxelwise displacements in the displacement_field. I If None, defaults to identity weighting for each displacement. Default = None. displacement_origins : 2-D numpy array Matrix (number_of_points x dimension) defining the origins of the input displacement points. Default = None. displacements : 2-D numpy array Matrix (number_of_points x dimension) defining the displacements of the input displacement points. Default = None. displacement_weights : 1-D numpy array Array defining the individual weighting of the corresponding scattered data value. Default = None meaning all values are weighted the same. origin : n-D tuple Defines the physical origin of the B-spline object. spacing : n-D tuple Defines the physical spacing of the B-spline object. size : n-D tuple Defines the size (length) of the B-spline object. Note that the length of the B-spline object in dimension d is defined as spacing[d] * size[d]-1. direction : 2-D numpy array Booleans defining whether or not the corresponding parametric dimension is closed (e.g., closed loop). Default = None. number_of_fitting_levels : integer Specifies the number of fitting levels. mesh_size : n-D tuple Defines the mesh size at the initial fitting level. spline_order : integer Spline order of the B-spline object. Default = 3. enforce_stationary_boundary : boolean Ensure no displacements on the image boundary. Default = True. estimate_inverse : boolean Estimate the inverse displacement field. Default = False. rasterize_points : boolean Use nearest neighbor rasterization of points for estimating the field (potential speed-up). Default = False. Returns ------- Returns an ANTsImage. Example ------- >>> # Perform 2-D fitting >>> >>> import ants, numpy >>> >>> points = numpy.array([[-50, -50]]) >>> deltas = numpy.array([[10, 10]]) >>> >>> bspline_field = ants.fit_bspline_displacement_field( >>> displacement_origins=points, displacements=deltas, >>> origin=[0.0, 0.0], spacing=[1.0, 1.0], size=[100, 100], >>> direction=numpy.array([[-1, 0], [0, -1]]), >>> number_of_fitting_levels=4, mesh_size=(1, 1)) """ if displacement_field is None and (displacement_origins is None or displacements is None): raise ValueError("Missing input. Either a displacement field or input point set (origins + displacements) needs to be specified.") if displacement_field is None: if origin is None or spacing is None or size is None or direction is None: raise ValueError("If the displacement field is not specified, one must fully specify the input physical domain.") if displacement_field is not None and displacement_weight_image is None: displacement_weight_image = core.make_image(displacement_field.shape, voxval=1, spacing=displacement_field.spacing, origin=displacement_field.origin, direction=displacement_field.direction, has_components=False, pixeltype='float') if displacement_field is not None: if origin is None: origin = displacement_field.origin if spacing is None: spacing = displacement_field.spacing if direction is None: direction = displacement_field.direction if size is None: size = displacement_field.shape dimensionality = None if displacement_field is not None: dimensionality = displacement_field.dimension else: dimensionality = displacement_origins.shape[1] if displacements.shape[1] != dimensionality: raise ValueError("Dimensionality between origins and displacements does not match.") if displacement_origins is not None: if displacement_weights is not None and (len(displacement_weights) != displacement_origins.shape[0]): raise ValueError("Length of displacement weights must match the number of displacement points.") else: displacement_weights = np.ones(displacement_origins.shape[0]) if isinstance(mesh_size, int) == False and len(mesh_size) != dimensionality: raise ValueError("Incorrect specification for mesh_size.") if origin is not None and len(origin) != dimensionality: raise ValueError("Origin is not of length dimensionality.") if spacing is not None and len(spacing) != dimensionality: raise ValueError("Spacing is not of length dimensionality.") if size is not None and len(size) != dimensionality: raise ValueError("Size is not of length dimensionality.") if direction is not None and (direction.shape[0] != dimensionality and direction.shape[1] != dimensionality): raise ValueError("Direction is not of shape dimensionality x dimensionality.") # It would seem that pybind11 doesn't really play nicely when the # arguments are 'None' if origin is None: origin = np.empty(0) if spacing is None: spacing = np.empty(0) if size is None: size = np.empty(0) if direction is None: direction = np.empty((0, 0)) if displacement_origins is None: displacement_origins = np.empty((0, 0)) displacement_weights = np.empty(0) else: if displacement_weights is None: displacement_weights = np.repeat(1.0, displacement_origins.shape[0]) number_of_control_points = list(np.array(mesh_size) + np.repeat(spline_order, dimensionality)) bspline_field = None if displacement_field is not None: libfn = utils.get_lib_fn("fitBsplineDisplacementFieldD%i" % (dimensionality)) bspline_field = libfn(displacement_field.pointer, displacement_weight_image.pointer, displacement_origins, displacements, displacement_weights, origin, spacing, size, direction, number_of_fitting_levels, number_of_control_points, spline_order, enforce_stationary_boundary, estimate_inverse) elif displacement_field is None and displacements is not None: libfn = utils.get_lib_fn("fitBsplineDisplacementFieldToScatteredDataD%i" % (dimensionality)) bspline_field = libfn(displacement_origins, displacements, displacement_weights, origin, spacing, size, direction, number_of_fitting_levels, number_of_control_points, spline_order, enforce_stationary_boundary, estimate_inverse, rasterize_points) bspline_displacement_field = iio.ANTsImage(pixeltype='float', dimension=dimensionality, components=dimensionality, pointer=bspline_field).clone('float') return bspline_displacement_field