Source code for ants.utils.crop_image


__all__ = ['crop_image', 

from .get_mask import get_mask
from ..core import ants_image as iio
from .. import utils

[docs]def crop_image(image, label_image=None, label=1): """ Use a label image to crop a smaller ANTsImage from within a larger ANTsImage ANTsR function: `cropImage` Arguments --------- image : ANTsImage image to crop label_image : ANTsImage image with label values. If not supplied, estimated from data. label : integer the label value to use Returns ------- ANTsImage Example ------- >>> import ants >>> fi = ants.image_read( ants.get_ants_data('r16') ) >>> cropped = ants.crop_image(fi) >>> cropped = ants.crop_image(fi, fi, 100 ) """ inpixeltype = image.pixeltype ndim = image.dimension if image.pixeltype != 'float': image = image.clone('float') if label_image is None: label_image = get_mask(image) if label_image.pixeltype != 'float': label_image = label_image.clone('float') libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('cropImageF%i' % ndim) itkimage = libfn(image.pointer, label_image.pointer, label, 0, [], []) return iio.ANTsImage(pixeltype='float', dimension=ndim, components=image.components, pointer=itkimage).clone(inpixeltype)
[docs]def crop_indices(image, lowerind, upperind): """ Create a proper ANTsImage sub-image by indexing the image with indices. This is similar to but different from array sub-setting in that the resulting sub-image can be decropped back into its place without having to store its original index locations explicitly. ANTsR function: `cropIndices` Arguments --------- image : ANTsImage image to crop lowerind : list/tuple of integers vector of lower index, should be length image dimensionality upperind : list/tuple of integers vector of upper index, should be length image dimensionality Returns ------- ANTsImage Example ------- >>> import ants >>> fi = ants.image_read( ants.get_ants_data("r16")) >>> cropped = ants.crop_indices( fi, (10,10), (100,100) ) >>> cropped = ants.smooth_image( cropped, 5 ) >>> decropped = ants.decrop_image( cropped, fi ) """ inpixeltype = 'float' if image.pixeltype != 'float': inpixeltype = image.pixeltype image = image.clone('float') if (image.dimension != len(lowerind)) or (image.dimension != len(upperind)): raise ValueError('image dimensionality and index length must match') libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('cropImageF%i' % image.dimension) itkimage = libfn(image.pointer, image.pointer, 1, 2, lowerind, upperind) ants_image = iio.ANTsImage(pixeltype='float', dimension=image.dimension, components=image.components, pointer=itkimage) if inpixeltype != 'float': ants_image = ants_image.clone(inpixeltype) return ants_image
[docs]def decrop_image(cropped_image, full_image): """ The inverse function for `ants.crop_image` ANTsR function: `decropImage` Arguments --------- cropped_image : ANTsImage cropped image full_image : ANTsImage image in which the cropped image will be put back Returns ------- ANTsImage Example ------- >>> import ants >>> fi = ants.image_read(ants.get_ants_data('r16')) >>> mask = ants.get_mask(fi) >>> cropped = ants.crop_image(fi, mask, 1) >>> cropped = ants.smooth_image(cropped, 1) >>> decropped = ants.decrop_image(cropped, fi) """ inpixeltype = 'float' if cropped_image.pixeltype != 'float': inpixeltype= cropped_image.pixeltype cropped_image = cropped_image.clone('float') if full_image.pixeltype != 'float': full_image = full_image.clone('float') libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('cropImageF%i' % cropped_image.dimension) itkimage = libfn(cropped_image.pointer, full_image.pointer, 1, 1, [], []) ants_image = iio.ANTsImage(pixeltype='float', dimension=cropped_image.dimension, components=cropped_image.components, pointer=itkimage) if inpixeltype != 'float': ants_image = ants_image.clone(inpixeltype) return ants_image