Source code for ants.utils.convert_nibabel

__all__ = ["to_nibabel", "from_nibabel", "nifti_to_ants"]

import os
from tempfile import mkstemp
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
from ..core import ants_image_io as iio2

[docs]def to_nibabel(image): """ Convert an ANTsImage to a Nibabel image """ import nibabel as nib fd, tmpfile = mkstemp(suffix=".nii.gz") image.to_filename(tmpfile) new_img = nib.load(tmpfile) os.close(fd) # os.remove(tmpfile) ## Don't remove tmpfile as nibabel lazy loads the data. return new_img
[docs]def from_nibabel(nib_image): """ Convert a nibabel image to an ANTsImage """ fd, tmpfile = mkstemp(suffix=".nii.gz") nib_image.to_filename(tmpfile) new_img = iio2.image_read(tmpfile) os.close(fd) os.remove(tmpfile) return new_img
[docs]def nifti_to_ants( nib_image ): """ Converts a given Nifti image into an ANTsPy image Parameters ---------- img: NiftiImage Returns ------- ants_image: ANTsImage """ ndim = nib_image.ndim if ndim < 3: print("Dimensionality is less than 3.") return None q_form = nib_image.get_qform() spacing = nib_image.header["pixdim"][1 : ndim + 1] origin = np.zeros((ndim)) origin[:3] = q_form[:3, 3] direction = np.diag(np.ones(ndim)) direction[:3, :3] = q_form[:3, :3] / spacing[:3] ants_img = iio2.from_numpy( data = nib_image.get_data().astype( np.float ), origin = origin.tolist(), spacing = spacing.tolist(), direction = direction ) return ants_img