Source code for ants.registration.create_jacobian_determinant_image


__all__ = ['create_jacobian_determinant_image','deformation_gradient']

from tempfile import mktemp

from ..core import ants_image as iio
from ..core import ants_image_io as iio2

from .. import utils

[docs]def deformation_gradient( warp_image, to_rotation=False, py_based=False ): """ Compute the deformation gradient from an image containing a warp (deformation) ANTsR function: `NA` Arguments --------- warp_image : ANTsImage (or filename if not py_based) image that defines the deformation field (vector pixels) to_rotation : boolean maps deformation gradient to a rotation matrix py_based: boolean uses pure python implementation (maybe slow) Returns ------- ANTsImage with dimension*dimension components indexed in order U_xyz, V_xyz, W_xyz where U is the x-component of deformation and xyz are spatial. Note ------- the to_rotation option is still experimental. use with caution. Example ------- >>> import ants >>> fi = ants.image_read( ants.get_ants_data('r16')) >>> mi = ants.image_read( ants.get_ants_data('r64')) >>> fi = ants.resample_image(fi,(128,128),1,0) >>> mi = ants.resample_image(mi,(128,128),1,0) >>> mytx = ants.registration(fixed=fi , moving=mi, type_of_transform = ('SyN') ) >>> dg = ants.deformation_gradient( ants.image_read( mytx['fwdtransforms'][0] ) ) """ import numpy as np def polar_decomposition(X): U, d, V = np.linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False) P = np.matmul(U, np.matmul(np.diag(d), np.transpose(U))) Z = np.matmul(U, V) if np.linalg.det(Z) < 0: n = X.shape[0] reflection_matrix = np.identity(n) reflection_matrix[0,0] = -1.0 Z = np.matmul(Z, reflection_matrix) return({"P" : P, "Z" : Z, "Xtilde" : np.matmul(P, Z)}) if not py_based: if isinstance(warp_image, iio.ANTsImage): txuse = mktemp(suffix='.nii.gz') iio2.image_write(warp_image, txuse) else: txuse = warp_image warp_image=iio2.image_read(txuse) if not isinstance(warp_image, iio.ANTsImage): raise RuntimeError("antsimage is required") writtenimage = mktemp(suffix='.nrrd') dimage = warp_image.split_channels()[0].clone('double') dim = dimage.dimension tshp = dimage.shape args2 = [dim, txuse, writtenimage, int(0), int(0), int(1)] processed_args = utils._int_antsProcessArguments(args2) libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('CreateJacobianDeterminantImage') libfn(processed_args) dg = iio2.image_read(writtenimage) if to_rotation: newshape = tshp + (dim,dim) dg = np.reshape( dg.numpy(), newshape ) it=np.ndindex(tshp) for i in it: dg[i]=polar_decomposition( dg[i] )['Z'] newshape = tshp + (dim*dim,) dg = np.reshape( dg, newshape ) dg = iio2.from_numpy( dg, has_components=True ) dg = iio.copy_image_info( dimage, dg ) import os os.remove( writtenimage ) return dg if py_based: if not isinstance(warp_image, iio.ANTsImage): raise RuntimeError("antsimage is required") dim = warp_image.dimension warpnp=warp_image.numpy() tshp=warp_image.shape tdir=warp_image.direction spc = warp_image.spacing it=np.ndindex(tshp) # print("first we need to rotate the warp by the direction cosines") for i in it: warpnp[i] tdir,warpnp[i]) # print("second get deformation gradient") dg = [] for k in range(dim): if dim == 2: temp=np.stack( np.gradient( warpnp[...,k], spc[0], spc[1], axis=range(dim) ), axis=dim) if dim == 3: temp=np.stack( np.gradient( warpnp[...,k], spc[0], spc[1], spc[2], axis=range(dim) ), axis=dim) dg.append(temp) dg = np.stack(dg,axis=dim+1) it=np.ndindex(tshp) ident = np.eye( dim ) for i in it: dg[i]=dg[i]+ident if to_rotation: it=np.ndindex(tshp) for i in it: dg[i]=polar_decomposition( dg[i] )['Z'] newshape = tshp + (dim*dim,) dg = np.reshape( dg, newshape ) dg = iio2.from_numpy( dg, has_components=True ) dg = iio.copy_image_info( warp_image, dg ) return dg
[docs]def create_jacobian_determinant_image(domain_image, tx, do_log=False, geom=False): """ Compute the jacobian determinant from a transformation file ANTsR function: `createJacobianDeterminantImage` Arguments --------- domain_image : ANTsImage image that defines transformation domain tx : string deformation transformation file name do_log : boolean return the log jacobian geom : bolean use the geometric jacobian calculation (boolean) Returns ------- ANTsImage Example ------- >>> import ants >>> fi = ants.image_read( ants.get_ants_data('r16')) >>> mi = ants.image_read( ants.get_ants_data('r64')) >>> fi = ants.resample_image(fi,(128,128),1,0) >>> mi = ants.resample_image(mi,(128,128),1,0) >>> mytx = ants.registration(fixed=fi , moving=mi, type_of_transform = ('SyN') ) >>> jac = ants.create_jacobian_determinant_image(fi,mytx['fwdtransforms'][0],1) """ dim = domain_image.dimension if isinstance(tx, iio.ANTsImage): txuse = mktemp(suffix='.nii.gz') iio2.image_write(tx, txuse) else: txuse = tx #args = [dim, txuse, do_log] dimage = domain_image.clone('double') args2 = [dim, txuse, dimage, int(do_log), int(geom)] processed_args = utils._int_antsProcessArguments(args2) libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('CreateJacobianDeterminantImage') libfn(processed_args) jimage = args2[2].clone('float') return jimage