Source code for ants.registration.apply_transforms

__all__ = ['apply_transforms','apply_transforms_to_points']

import os

from .. import core
from ..core import ants_image as iio
from .. import utils

[docs]def apply_transforms(fixed, moving, transformlist, interpolator='linear', imagetype=0, whichtoinvert=None, compose=None, defaultvalue=0, singleprecision=False, verbose=False, **kwargs): """ Apply a transform list to map an image from one domain to another. In image registration, one computes mappings between (usually) pairs of images. These transforms are often a sequence of increasingly complex maps, e.g. from translation, to rigid, to affine to deformation. The list of such transforms is passed to this function to interpolate one image domain into the next image domain, as below. The order matters strongly and the user is advised to familiarize with the standards established in examples. ANTsR function: `antsApplyTransforms` Arguments --------- fixed : ANTsImage fixed image defining domain into which the moving image is transformed. moving : AntsImage moving image to be mapped to fixed space. transformlist : list of strings list of transforms generated by ants.registration where each transform is a filename. interpolator : string Choice of interpolator. Supports partial matching. linear nearestNeighbor multiLabel for label images (deprecated, prefer genericLabel) gaussian bSpline cosineWindowedSinc welchWindowedSinc hammingWindowedSinc lanczosWindowedSinc genericLabel use this for label images imagetype : integer choose 0/1/2/3 mapping to scalar/vector/tensor/time-series whichtoinvert : list of booleans (optional) Must be same length as transformlist. whichtoinvert[i] is True if transformlist[i] is a matrix, and the matrix should be inverted. If transformlist[i] is a warp field, whichtoinvert[i] must be False. If the transform list is a matrix followed by a warp field, whichtoinvert defaults to (True,False). Otherwise it defaults to [False]*len(transformlist)). compose : string (optional) if it is a string pointing to a valid file location, this will force the function to return a composite transformation filename. defaultvalue : scalar Default voxel value for mappings outside the image domain. singleprecision : boolean if True, use float32 for computations. This is useful for reducing memory usage for large datasets, at the cost of precision. verbose : boolean print command and run verbose application of transform. kwargs : keyword arguments extra parameters Returns ------- ANTsImage or string (transformation filename) Example ------- >>> import ants >>> fixed = ants.image_read( ants.get_ants_data('r16') ) >>> moving = ants.image_read( ants.get_ants_data('r64') ) >>> fixed = ants.resample_image(fixed, (64,64), 1, 0) >>> moving = ants.resample_image(moving, (64,64), 1, 0) >>> mytx = ants.registration(fixed=fixed , moving=moving , type_of_transform = 'SyN' ) >>> mywarpedimage = ants.apply_transforms( fixed=fixed, moving=moving, transformlist=mytx['fwdtransforms'] ) """ if not isinstance(transformlist, (tuple, list)) and (transformlist is not None): transformlist = [transformlist] accepted_interpolators = {"linear", "nearestNeighbor", "multiLabel", "gaussian", "bSpline", "cosineWindowedSinc", "welchWindowedSinc", "hammingWindowedSinc", "lanczosWindowedSinc", "genericLabel"} if interpolator not in accepted_interpolators: raise ValueError('interpolator not supported - see %s' % accepted_interpolators) args = [fixed, moving, transformlist, interpolator] output_pixel_type = 'float' if singleprecision else 'double' if not isinstance(fixed, str): if isinstance(fixed, iio.ANTsImage) and isinstance(moving, iio.ANTsImage): for tl_path in transformlist: if not os.path.exists(tl_path): raise Exception('Transform %s does not exist' % tl_path) inpixeltype = fixed.pixeltype fixed = fixed.clone(output_pixel_type) moving = moving.clone(output_pixel_type) warpedmovout = moving.clone(output_pixel_type) f = fixed m = moving if (moving.dimension == 4) and (fixed.dimension == 3) and (imagetype == 0): raise Exception('Set imagetype 3 to transform time series images.') wmo = warpedmovout mytx = [] if whichtoinvert is None or (isinstance(whichtoinvert, (tuple,list)) and (sum([w is not None for w in whichtoinvert])==0)): if (len(transformlist) == 2) and ('.mat' in transformlist[0]) and ('.mat' not in transformlist[1]): whichtoinvert = (True, False) else: whichtoinvert = tuple([False]*len(transformlist)) if len(whichtoinvert) != len(transformlist): raise ValueError('Transform list and inversion list must be the same length') for i in range(len(transformlist)): ismat = False if '.mat' in transformlist[i]: ismat = True if whichtoinvert[i] and (not ismat): raise ValueError('Cannot invert transform %i (%s) because it is not a matrix' % (i, transformlist[i])) if whichtoinvert[i]: mytx = mytx + ['-t', '[%s,1]' % (transformlist[i])] else: mytx = mytx + ['-t', transformlist[i]] if compose is None: args = ['-d', fixed.dimension, '-i', m, '-o', wmo, '-r', f, '-n', interpolator] args = args + mytx if compose: tfn = '%scomptx.nii.gz' % compose if not compose.endswith('.h5') else compose else: tfn = 'NA' if compose is not None: mycompo = '[%s,1]' % tfn args = ['-d', fixed.dimension, '-i', m, '-o', mycompo, '-r', f, '-n', interpolator] args = args + mytx myargs = utils._int_antsProcessArguments(args) myverb = int(verbose) if verbose: print(myargs) processed_args = myargs + ['-z', str(1), '-v', str(myverb), '--float', str(int(singleprecision)), '-e', str(imagetype), '-f', str(defaultvalue)] libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('antsApplyTransforms') libfn(processed_args) if compose is None: return warpedmovout.clone(inpixeltype) else: if os.path.exists(tfn): return tfn else: return None else: return 1 else: args = args + ['-z', str(1), '--float', str(int(singleprecision)), '-e', imagetype, '-f', defaultvalue] processed_args = utils._int_antsProcessArguments(args) libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('antsApplyTransforms') libfn(processed_args)
[docs]def apply_transforms_to_points( dim, points, transformlist, whichtoinvert=None, verbose=False ): """ Apply a transform list to map a pointset from one domain to another. In registration, one computes mappings between pairs of domains. These transforms are often a sequence of increasingly complex maps, e.g. from translation, to rigid, to affine to deformation. The list of such transforms is passed to this function to interpolate one image domain into the next image domain, as below. The order matters strongly and the user is advised to familiarize with the standards established in examples. Importantly, point mapping goes the opposite direction of image mapping, for both reasons of convention and engineering. ANTsR function: `antsApplyTransformsToPoints` Arguments --------- dim: integer dimensionality of the transformation. points: data frame moving point set with n-points in rows of at least dim columns - we maintain extra information in additional columns. this should be a data frame with columns names x, y, z, t. transformlist : list of strings list of transforms generated by ants.registration where each transform is a filename. whichtoinvert : list of booleans (optional) Must be same length as transformlist. whichtoinvert[i] is True if transformlist[i] is a matrix, and the matrix should be inverted. If transformlist[i] is a warp field, whichtoinvert[i] must be False. If the transform list is a matrix followed by a warp field, whichtoinvert defaults to (True,False). Otherwise it defaults to [False]*len(transformlist)). verbose : boolean Returns ------- data frame of transformed points Example ------- >>> import ants >>> fixed = ants.image_read( ants.get_ants_data('r16') ) >>> moving = ants.image_read( ants.get_ants_data('r27') ) >>> reg = ants.registration( fixed, moving, 'Affine' ) >>> d = {'x': [128, 127], 'y': [101, 111]} >>> pts = pd.DataFrame(data=d) >>> ptsw = ants.apply_transforms_to_points( 2, pts, reg['fwdtransforms']) """ if not isinstance(transformlist, (tuple, list)) and (transformlist is not None): transformlist = [transformlist] args = [dim, points, transformlist, whichtoinvert] for tl_path in transformlist: if not os.path.exists(tl_path): raise Exception('Transform %s does not exist' % tl_path) mytx = [] if whichtoinvert is None or (isinstance(whichtoinvert, (tuple,list)) and (sum([w is not None for w in whichtoinvert])==0)): if (len(transformlist) == 2) and ('.mat' in transformlist[0]) and ('.mat' not in transformlist[1]): whichtoinvert = (True, False) else: whichtoinvert = tuple([False]*len(transformlist)) if len(whichtoinvert) != len(transformlist): raise ValueError('Transform list and inversion list must be the same length') for i in range(len(transformlist)): ismat = False if '.mat' in transformlist[i]: ismat = True if whichtoinvert[i] and (not ismat): raise ValueError('Cannot invert transform %i (%s) because it is not a matrix' % (i, transformlist[i])) if whichtoinvert[i]: mytx = mytx + ['-t', '[%s,1]' % (transformlist[i])] else: mytx = mytx + ['-t', transformlist[i]] if dim == 2: pointsSub = points[['x','y']] if dim == 3: pointsSub = points[['x','y','z']] if dim == 4: pointsSub = points[['x','y','z','t']] pointImage = core.make_image( pointsSub.shape, pointsSub.values.flatten()) pointsOut = pointImage.clone() args = ['-d', dim, '-i', pointImage, '-o', pointsOut ] args = args + mytx myargs = utils._int_antsProcessArguments(args) myverb = int(verbose) if verbose: print(myargs) processed_args = myargs + [ '-f', str(1), '--precision', str(0)] libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('antsApplyTransformsToPoints') libfn(processed_args) mynp = pointsOut.numpy() pointsOutDF = points.copy() pointsOutDF['x'] = mynp[:,0] if dim >= 2: pointsOutDF['y'] = mynp[:,1] if dim >= 3: pointsOutDF['z'] = mynp[:,2] if dim >= 4: pointsOutDF['t'] = mynp[:,3] return pointsOutDF