Source code for ants.registration.affine_initializer

__all__ = ['affine_initializer']

import warnings
from tempfile import mktemp

from .. import utils

[docs]def affine_initializer(fixed_image, moving_image, search_factor=20, radian_fraction=0.1, use_principal_axis=False, local_search_iterations=10, mask=None, txfn=None ): """ A multi-start optimizer for affine registration Searches over the sphere to find a good initialization for further registration refinement, if needed. This is a arapper for the ANTs function antsAffineInitializer. ANTsR function: `affineInitializer` Arguments --------- fixed_image : ANTsImage the fixed reference image moving_image : ANTsImage the moving image to be mapped to the fixed space search_factor : scalar degree of increments on the sphere to search radian_fraction : scalar between zero and one, defines the arc to search over use_principal_axis : boolean boolean to initialize by principal axis local_search_iterations : scalar gradient descent iterations mask : ANTsImage (optional) optional mask to restrict registration txfn : string (optional) filename for the transformation Returns ------- ndarray transformation matrix Example ------- >>> import ants >>> fi = ants.image_read(ants.get_ants_data('r16')) >>> mi = ants.image_read(ants.get_ants_data('r27')) >>> txfile = ants.affine_initializer( fi, mi ) >>> tx = ants.read_transform(txfile, dimension=2) """ if txfn is None: txfn = mktemp(suffix='.mat') veccer = [fixed_image.dimension, fixed_image, moving_image, txfn, search_factor, radian_fraction, int(use_principal_axis), local_search_iterations] if mask is not None: veccer.append(mask) xxx = utils._int_antsProcessArguments(veccer) libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('antsAffineInitializer') retval = libfn(xxx) if retval != 0: warnings.warn('ERROR: Non-zero exit status!') return txfn