Source code for ants.learn.decomposition

__all__ = ['eig_seg',

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
from sklearn import linear_model
import statsmodels.api as sm

from .. import core
from .. import utils
from ..core import ants_image as iio

[docs]def sparse_decom2(inmatrix, inmask=(None, None), sparseness=(0.01, 0.01), nvecs=3, its=20, cthresh=(0,0), statdir=None, perms=0, uselong=0, z=0, smooth=0, robust=0, mycoption=0, initialization_list=[], initialization_list2=[], ell1=10, prior_weight=0, verbose=False, rejector=0, max_based=False, version=1): """ Decomposes two matrices into paired sparse eigenevectors to maximize canonical correlation - aka Sparse CCA. Note: we do not scale the matrices internally. We leave scaling choices to the user. ANTsR function: `sparseDecom2` Arguments --------- inmatrix : 2-tuple of ndarrays input as inmatrix=(mat1,mat2). n by p input matrix and n by q input matrix , spatial variable lies along columns. inmask : 2-tuple of ANTsImage types (optional - one or both) optional pair of image masks sparseness : tuple a pair of float values e.g c(0.01,0.1) enforces an unsigned 99 percent and 90 percent sparse solution for each respective view nvecs : integer number of eigenvector pairs its : integer number of iterations, 10 or 20 usually sufficient cthresh : 2-tuple cluster threshold pair statdir : string (optional) temporary directory if you want to look at full output perms : integer number of permutations. settings permutations greater than 0 will estimate significance per vector empirically. For small datasets, these may be conservative. p-values depend on how one scales the input matrices. uselong : boolean enforce solutions of both views to be the same - requires matrices to be the same size z : float subject space (low-dimensional space) sparseness value smooth : float smooth the data (only available when mask is used) robust : boolean rank transform input matrices mycoption : integer enforce 1 - spatial orthogonality, 2 - low-dimensional orthogonality or 0 - both initialization_list : list initialization for first view initialization_list2 : list initialization for 2nd view ell1 : float gradient descent parameter, if negative then l0 otherwise use l1 prior_weight : scalar Scalar value weight on prior between 0 (prior is weak) and 1 (prior is strong). Only engaged if initialization is used verbose : boolean activates verbose output to screen rejector : scalar rejects small correlation solutions max_based : boolean whether to choose max-based thresholding Returns ------- dict w/ following key/value pairs: `projections` : ndarray X projections `projections2` : ndarray Y projections `eig1` : ndarray X components `eig2` : ndarray Y components `summary` : pd.DataFrame first column is canonical correlations, second column is p-values (these are `None` if perms > 0) Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import ants >>> mat = np.random.randn(20, 100) >>> mat2 = np.random.randn(20, 90) >>> mydecom = ants.sparse_decom2(inmatrix = (mat,mat2), sparseness=(0.1,0.3), nvecs=3, its=3, perms=0) """ if inmatrix[0].shape[0] != inmatrix[1].shape[0]: raise ValueError('Matrices must have same number of rows (samples)') idim = 3 if isinstance(inmask[0], iio.ANTsImage): maskx = inmask[0].clone('float') idim = inmask[0].dimension hasmaskx = 1 elif isinstance(inmask[0], np.ndarray): maskx = core.from_numpy(inmask[0], pixeltype='float') idim = inmask[0].ndim hasmaskx = 1 else: maskx = core.make_image([1]*idim, pixeltype='float') hasmaskx = -1 if isinstance(inmask[1], iio.ANTsImage): masky = inmask[1].clone('float') idim = inmask[1].dimension hasmasky = 1 elif isinstance(inmask[1], np.ndarray): masky = core.from_numpy(inmask[1], pixeltype='float') idim = inmask[1].ndim hasmasky = 1 else: masky = core.make_image([1]*idim, pixeltype='float') hasmasky = -1 inmask = [maskx, masky] if robust > 0: raise NotImplementedError('robust > 0 not currently implemented') else: input_matrices = inmatrix if idim == 2: if version == 1: sccancpp_fn = utils.get_lib_fn('sccanCpp2D') elif version == 2: sccancpp_fn = utils.get_lib_fn('sccanCpp2DV2') input_matrices = (input_matrices[0].tolist(), input_matrices[1].tolist()) elif idim ==3: if version == 1: sccancpp_fn = utils.get_lib_fn('sccanCpp3D') elif version == 2: sccancpp_fn = utils.get_lib_fn('sccanCpp3DV2') input_matrices = (input_matrices[0].tolist(), input_matrices[1].tolist()) outval = sccancpp_fn(input_matrices[0], input_matrices[1], inmask[0].pointer, inmask[1].pointer, hasmaskx, hasmasky, sparseness[0], sparseness[1], nvecs, its, cthresh[0], cthresh[1], z, smooth, initialization_list, initialization_list2, ell1, verbose, prior_weight, mycoption, max_based) p1 =[0], outval['eig1'].T) p2 =[1], outval['eig2'].T) outcorrs = np.array([pearsonr(p1[:,i],p2[:,i])[0] for i in range(p1.shape[1])]) if prior_weight < 1e-10: myord = np.argsort(np.abs(outcorrs))[::-1] outcorrs = outcorrs[myord] p1 = p1[:, myord] p2 = p2[:, myord] outval['eig1'] = outval['eig1'][myord,:] outval['eig2'] = outval['eig2'][myord,:] cca_summary = np.vstack((outcorrs,[None]*len(outcorrs))).T if perms > 0: cca_summary[:,1] = 0 nsubs = input_matrices[0].shape[0] for permer in range(perms): m1 = input_matrices[0][np.random.permutation(nsubs),:] m2 = input_matrices[1][np.random.permutation(nsubs),:] outvalperm = sccancpp_fn(m1, m2, inmask[0].pointer, inmask[1].pointer, hasmaskx, hasmasky, sparseness[0], sparseness[1], nvecs, its, cthresh[0], cthresh[1], z, smooth, initialization_list, initialization_list2, ell1, verbose, prior_weight, mycoption, max_based) p1perm =, outvalperm['eig1'].T) p2perm =, outvalperm['eig2'].T) outcorrsperm = np.array([pearsonr(p1perm[:,i],p2perm[:,i])[0] for i in range(p1perm.shape[1])]) if prior_weight < 1e-10: myord = np.argsort(np.abs(outcorrsperm))[::-1] outcorrsperm = outcorrsperm[myord] counter = np.abs(cca_summary[:,0]) < np.abs(outcorrsperm) counter = counter.astype('int') cca_summary[:,1] = cca_summary[:,1] + counter cca_summary[:,1] = cca_summary[:,1] / float(perms) return {'projections': p1, 'projections2': p2, 'eig1': outval['eig1'].T, 'eig2': outval['eig2'].T, 'summary': pd.DataFrame(cca_summary,columns=['corrs','pvalues'])}
[docs]def initialize_eigenanatomy(initmat, mask=None, initlabels=None, nreps=1, smoothing=0): """ InitializeEigenanatomy is a helper function to initialize sparseDecom and sparseDecom2. Can be used to estimate sparseness parameters per eigenvector. The user then only chooses nvecs and optional regularization parameters. Arguments --------- initmat : np.ndarray or ANTsImage input matrix where rows provide initial vector values. alternatively, this can be an antsImage which contains labeled regions. mask : ANTsImage mask if available initlabels : list/tuple of integers which labels in initmat to use as initial components nreps : integer nrepetitions to use smoothing : float if using an initial label image, optionally smooth each roi Returns ------- dict w/ the following key/value pairs: `initlist` : list of ANTsImage types initialization list(s) for sparseDecom(2) `mask` : ANTsImage mask(s) for sparseDecom(2) `enames` : list of strings string names of components for sparseDecom(2) Example ------- >>> import ants >>> import numpy as np >>> mat = np.random.randn(4,100).astype('float32') >>> init = ants.initialize_eigenanatomy(mat) """ if isinstance(initmat, iio.ANTsImage): # create initmat from each of the unique labels if mask is not None: selectvec = mask > 0 else: selectvec = initmat > 0 initmatvec = initmat[selectvec] if initlabels is None: ulabs = np.sort(np.unique(initmatvec)) ulabs = ulabs[ulabs > 0] else: ulabs = initlabels nvox = len(initmatvec) temp = np.zeros((len(ulabs), nvox)) for x in range(len(ulabs)): timg = utils.threshold_image(initmat, ulabs[x]-1e-4, ulabs[x]+1e-4) if smoothing > 0: timg = utils.smooth_image(timg, smoothing) temp[x,:] = timg[selectvec] initmat = temp nclasses = initmat.shape[0] classlabels = ['init%i'%i for i in range(nclasses)] initlist = [] if mask is None: maskmat = np.zeros(initmat.shape) maskmat[0,:] = 1 mask = core.from_numpy(maskmat.astype('float32')) eanatnames = ['A'] * (nclasses*nreps) ct = 0 for i in range(nclasses): vecimg = mask.clone('float') initf = initmat[i,:] vecimg[mask==1] = initf for nr in range(nreps): initlist.append(vecimg) eanatnames[ct+nr-1] = str(classlabels[i]) ct = ct + 1 return {'initlist': initlist, 'mask': mask, 'enames': eanatnames}
[docs]def eig_seg(mask, img_list, apply_segmentation_to_images=False, cthresh=0, smooth=1): """ Segment a mask into regions based on the max value in an image list. At a given voxel the segmentation label will contain the index to the image that has the largest value. If the 3rd image has the greatest value, the segmentation label will be 3 at that voxel. Arguments --------- mask : ANTsImage D-dimensional mask > 0 defining segmentation region. img_list : collection of ANTsImage or np.ndarray images to use apply_segmentation_to_images : boolean determines if original image list is modified by the segmentation. cthresh : integer throw away isolated clusters smaller than this value smooth : float smooth the input data first by this value Returns ------- ANTsImage Example ------- >>> import ants >>> mylist = [ants.image_read(ants.get_ants_data('r16')), ants.image_read(ants.get_ants_data('r27')), ants.image_read(ants.get_ants_data('r85'))] >>> myseg = ants.eig_seg(ants.get_mask(mylist[0]), mylist) """ maskvox = mask > 0 maskseg = mask.clone() maskseg[maskvox] = 0 if isinstance(img_list, np.ndarray): mydata = img_list elif isinstance(img_list, (tuple, list)): mydata = core.image_list_to_matrix(img_list, mask) if (smooth > 0): for i in range(mydata.shape[0]): temp_img = core.make_image(mask, mydata[i,:], pixeltype='float') temp_img = utils.smooth_image(temp_img, smooth, sigma_in_physical_coordinates=True) mydata[i,:] = temp_img[mask >= 0.5] segids = np.argmax(np.abs(mydata), axis=0)+1 segmax = np.max(np.abs(mydata), axis=0) maskseg[maskvox] = (segids * (segmax > 1e-09)) if cthresh > 0: for kk in range(int(maskseg.max())): timg = utils.threshold_image(maskseg, kk, kk) timg = utils.label_clusters(timg, cthresh) timg = utils.threshold_image(timg, 1, 1e15) * float(kk) maskseg[maskseg == kk] = timg[maskseg == kk] if (apply_segmentation_to_images) and (not isinstance(img_list, np.ndarray)): for i in range(len(img_list)): img = img_list[i] img[maskseg != float(i)] = 0 img_list[i] = img return maskseg