Source code for ants.utils.quantile

__all__ = ['ilr',
           'bandpass_filter_matrix' ]

import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial import Legendre
from scipy import linalg
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
from scipy.stats import rankdata
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
from sklearn import linear_model
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

from .. import utils
from .. import core

[docs]def rank_intensity( x, mask=None, get_mask=True, method='max', ): """ Rank transform the intensity of the input image with or without masking. Intensities will transform from [0,1,2,55] to [0,1,2,3] so this may not be appropriate for quantitative images - however, you never know. rank transformations generally improve robustness so it is an empirical question that should be evaluated. Arguments --------- x : ANTsImage input image mask : ANTsImage optional mask get_mask: boolean will estimate a mask when none provided method : a scipy rank method (max,min,average,dense) return: transformed image Example ------- >>> img = ants.image_read(ants.get_data('r16')) >>> ants.rank_intensity(img) """ if mask is not None: fir = rankdata( (x*mask).numpy(), method=method ) elif mask is None and get_mask == True: mask = utils.get_mask( x ) fir = rankdata( (x*mask).numpy(), method=method ) else: fir = rankdata( x.numpy(), method=method ) fir = fir - 1 fir = fir.reshape( x.shape ) rimg = core.from_numpy( fir.astype(float) ) rimg = utils.iMath(rimg,"Normalize") core.copy_image_info( x, rimg ) if mask is not None: rimg = rimg * mask return( rimg )
[docs]def ilr( data_frame, voxmats, ilr_formula, verbose = False ): """ Image-based linear regression. This function simplifies calculating p-values from linear models in which there is a similar formula that is applied many times with a change in image-based predictors. Image-based variables are stored in the input matrix list. They should be named consistently in the input formula and in the image list. If they are not, an error will be thrown. All input matrices should have the same number of rows and columns. This function takes advantage of statsmodels R-style formulas. ANTsR function: `ilr` Arguments --------- data_frame: This data frame contains all relevant predictors except for the matrices associated with the image variables. One should convert any categorical predictors ahead of time using `pd.get_dummies`. voxmats: The named list of matrices that contains the changing predictors. ilr_formula: This is a character string that defines a valid regression formula in the R-style. verbose: will print a little bit of diagnostic information that allows a degree of model checking Returns ------- A list of different matrices that contain names derived from the formula and the coefficients of the regression model. The size of the output values ( p-values, t-values, parameter values ) will match the input matrix and, as such, can be converted to an image via `make_image` Example ------- >>> nsub = 20 >>> mu, sigma = 0, 1 >>> outcome = np.random.normal( mu, sigma, nsub ) >>> covar = np.random.normal( mu, sigma, nsub ) >>> mat = np.random.normal( mu, sigma, (nsub, 500 ) ) >>> mat2 = np.random.normal( mu, sigma, (nsub, 500 ) ) >>> data = {'covar':covar,'outcome':outcome} >>> df = pd.DataFrame( data ) >>> vlist = { "mat1": mat, "mat2": mat2 } >>> myform = " outcome ~ covar * mat1 " >>> result = ants.ilr( df, vlist, myform) >>> myform = " mat2 ~ covar + mat1 " >>> result = ants.ilr( df, vlist, myform) """ nvoxmats = len( voxmats ) if nvoxmats < 1 : raise ValueError('Pass at least one matrix to voxmats list') keylist = list(voxmats.keys()) firstmat = keylist[0] voxshape = voxmats[firstmat].shape nvox = voxshape[1] nmats = len( keylist ) for k in keylist: if voxmats[firstmat].shape != voxmats[k].shape: raise ValueError('Matrices must have same number of rows (samples)') # test voxel vox = 0 nrows = data_frame.shape[0] data_frame_vox = data_frame.copy() for k in range( nmats ): data = {keylist[k]: np.random.normal(0,1,nrows) } temp = pd.DataFrame( data ) data_frame_vox = pd.concat([data_frame_vox.reset_index(drop=True),temp], axis=1 ) mod = smf.ols(formula=ilr_formula, data=data_frame_vox ) res = modelNames = res.model.exog_names if verbose: print( data_frame_vox ) print(res.summary()) nOutcomes = len( modelNames ) tValsOut = list() pValsOut = list() bValsOut = list() for k in range( len( modelNames ) ): bValsOut.append( np.zeros( nvox ) ) pValsOut.append( np.zeros( nvox ) ) tValsOut.append( np.zeros( nvox ) ) data_frame_vox = data_frame.copy() for v in range( nmats ): data = {keylist[v]: voxmats[keylist[v]][:,k] } temp = pd.DataFrame( data ) data_frame_vox = pd.concat([data_frame_vox.reset_index(drop=True),temp], axis=1 ) for k in range( nvox ): # first get the correct data frame for v in range( nmats ): data_frame_vox[ keylist[v] ] = voxmats[keylist[v]][:,k] # then get the local model results mod = smf.ols(formula=ilr_formula, data=data_frame_vox ) res = tvals = res.tvalues pvals = res.pvalues bvals = res.params for v in range( len( modelNames ) ): bValsOut[v][k] = bvals[v] pValsOut[v][k] = pvals[v] tValsOut[v][k] = tvals[v] bValsOutDict = { } tValsOutDict = { } pValsOutDict = { } for v in range( len( modelNames ) ): bValsOutDict[ 'coef_' + modelNames[v] ] = bValsOut[v] tValsOutDict[ 'tval_' + modelNames[v] ] = tValsOut[v] pValsOutDict[ 'pval_' + modelNames[v] ] = pValsOut[v] return { 'modelNames': modelNames, 'coefficientValues': bValsOutDict, 'pValues': pValsOutDict, 'tValues': tValsOutDict }
[docs]def quantile(image, q, nonzero=True): """ Get the quantile values from an ANTsImage Examples -------- >>> img = ants.image_read(ants.get_data('r16')) >>> ants.quantile(img, 0.5) >>> ants.quantile(img, (0.5, 0.75)) """ img_arr = image.numpy() if isinstance(q, (list,tuple)): q = [qq*100. if qq <= 1. else qq for qq in q] if nonzero: img_arr = img_arr[img_arr>0] vals = [np.percentile(img_arr, qq) for qq in q] return tuple(vals) elif isinstance(q, (float,int)): if q <= 1.: q = q*100. if nonzero: img_arr = img_arr[img_arr>0] return np.percentile(img_arr[img_arr>0], q) else: raise ValueError('q argument must be list/tuple or float/int')
[docs]def regress_poly(degree, data, remove_mean=True, axis=-1): """ Returns data with degree polynomial regressed out. :param bool remove_mean: whether or not demean data (i.e. degree 0), :param int axis: numpy array axes along which regression is performed """ timepoints = data.shape[0] # Generate design matrix X = np.ones((timepoints, 1)) # quick way to calc degree 0 for i in range(degree): polynomial_func = Legendre.basis(i + 1) value_array = np.linspace(-1, 1, timepoints) X = np.hstack((X, polynomial_func(value_array)[:, np.newaxis])) non_constant_regressors = X[:, :-1] if X.shape[1] > 1 else np.array([]) betas = np.linalg.pinv(X).dot(data) if remove_mean: datahat = else: # disregard the first layer of X, which is degree 0 datahat = X[:, 1:].dot(betas[1:, ...]) regressed_data = data - datahat return regressed_data, non_constant_regressors
[docs]def regress_components( data, components, remove_mean=True ): """ Returns data with components regressed out. :param bool remove_mean: whether or not demean data (i.e. degree 0), :param int axis: numpy array axes along which regression is performed """ timepoints = data.shape[0] betas = np.linalg.pinv(components).dot(data) if remove_mean: datahat = else: # disregard the first layer of X, which is degree 0 datahat = components[:, 1:].dot(betas[1:, ...]) regressed_data = data - datahat return regressed_data
[docs]def get_average_of_timeseries( image, idx=None ): """Average the timeseries into a dimension-1 image. image: input time series image idx: indices over which to average """ imagedim = image.dimension if idx is None: idx = range( image.shape[ imagedim - 1 ] ) i0 = utils.slice_image( image, axis=image.dimension-1, idx=idx[0] ) * 0 wt = 1.0 / len( idx ) for k in idx: i0 = i0 + utils.slice_image( image, axis=image.dimension-1, idx=k ) * wt return( i0 )
[docs]def bandpass_filter_matrix( matrix, tr=1, lowf=0.01, highf=0.1, order = 3): """ Bandpass filter the input time series image ANTsR function: `frequencyFilterfMRI` Arguments --------- image: input time series image tr: sampling time interval (inverse of sampling rate) lowf: low frequency cutoff highf: high frequency cutoff order: order of the butterworth filter run using `filtfilt` Returns ------- filtered matrix Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import ants >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> brainSignal = np.random.randn( 400, 1000 ) >>> tr = 1 >>> filtered = ants.bandpass_filter_matrix( brainSignal, tr = tr ) >>> nsamples = brainSignal.shape[0] >>> t = np.linspace(0, tr*nsamples, nsamples, endpoint=False) >>> k = 20 >>> plt.plot(t, brainSignal[:,k], label='Noisy signal') >>> plt.plot(t, filtered[:,k], label='Filtered signal') >>> plt.xlabel('time (seconds)') >>> plt.grid(True) >>> plt.axis('tight') >>> plt.legend(loc='upper left') >>> """ from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt def butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order ): nyq = 0.5 * fs low = lowcut / nyq high = highcut / nyq b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype='band') return b, a def butter_bandpass_filter(data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order ): b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order) y = filtfilt(b, a, data) return y fs = 1/tr # sampling rate based on tr nsamples = matrix.shape[0] ncolumns = matrix.shape[1] matrixOut = matrix.copy() for k in range( ncolumns ): matrixOut[:,k] = butter_bandpass_filter( matrix[:,k], lowf, highf, fs, order=order ) return matrixOut
def clean_data(arr, standardize=True): """ Remove columns from a NumPy array that have no variation or contain NA/Inf values. Optionally standardize the remaining data. :param arr: NumPy array to be cleaned. :param standardize: Boolean, if True standardize the data. :return: Cleaned (and optionally standardized) NumPy array. """ valid_columns = [] for i in range(arr.shape[1]): column = arr[:, i] if np.any(column != column[0]) and not np.any(np.isnan(column)) and not np.any(np.isinf(column)): valid_columns.append(i) cleaned_data = arr[:, valid_columns] if standardize: mean = np.mean(cleaned_data, axis=0) std_dev = np.std(cleaned_data, axis=0) # Avoid division by zero in case of zero standard deviation std_dev[std_dev == 0] = 1 cleaned_data = (cleaned_data - mean) / std_dev return cleaned_data
[docs]def compcor( boldImage, ncompcor=4, quantile=0.975, mask=None, filter_type=False, degree=2 ): """ Compute noise components from the input image ANTsR function: `compcor` this is adapted from nipy code Arguments --------- boldImage: input time series image ncompcor: number of noise components to return quantile: quantile defining high-variance mask: mask defining brain or specific tissues filter_type: type off filter to apply to time series before computing noise components. 'polynomial' - Legendre polynomial basis False - None (mean-removal only) degree: order of polynomial used to remove trends from the timeseries Returns ------- dictionary containing: components: a numpy array basis: a numpy array containing the (non-constant) filter regressors Example ------- >>> cc = ants.compcor( ants.image_read(ants.get_ants_data("ch2")) ) """ def compute_tSTD(M, quantile, x=0, axis=0): stdM = np.std(M, axis=axis) # set bad values to x stdM[stdM == 0] = x stdM[np.isnan(stdM)] = x tt = round( quantile*100 ) threshold_std = np.percentile( stdM, tt ) # threshold_std = quantile( stdM, quantile ) return { 'tSTD': stdM, 'threshold_std': threshold_std} if mask is None: temp = utils.slice_image( boldImage, axis=boldImage.dimension-1, idx=0 ) mask = utils.get_mask( temp ) imagematrix = core.timeseries_to_matrix( boldImage, mask ) temp = compute_tSTD( imagematrix, quantile, 0 ) tsnrmask = core.make_image( mask, temp['tSTD'] ) tsnrmask = utils.threshold_image( tsnrmask, temp['threshold_std'], temp['tSTD'].max() ) M = core.timeseries_to_matrix( boldImage, tsnrmask ) components = None basis = np.array([]) if filter_type in ('polynomial', False): M, basis = regress_poly(degree, M) # M = M / compute_tSTD(M, 1.)['tSTD'] # "The covariance matrix C = MMT was constructed and decomposed into its # principal components using a singular value decomposition." M = clean_data( M, standardize=True ) u, _, _ = linalg.svd(M, full_matrices=False) if components is None: components = u[:, :ncompcor] else: components = np.hstack((components, u[:, :ncompcor])) if components is None and ncompcor > 0: raise ValueError('No components found') return { 'components': components, 'basis': basis }